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  • Writer's picturecathyscompass

Third Time's the Charm...

This antiquated saying still amazes me!

There is something about the number three...Three wise men, three wishes, three little pigs. The Latin phrase omne trium perfectum or "everything that comes in threes is perfect" or one could say that every set of three is complete. What is it about three? For me, the number three became a notification for change. Let me explain.

I often meet with clients who share a significant story in their life. Typically, the story centers around a friend, or foe, who offends, create chaos, or generates anger. I frequently will ask, "Has a similar situation, generating similar feelings, occurred before?"

Have you noticed that sometimes our life scenes, stories, repeat? You know,.. the same argument with your husband, the same hurt from friends, the same lack of respect from your boss, the same feelings of loneliness, the same feelings of discouragement,

Further explanation...

If a one time situation occurs in life that created a feeling of chaos, hurt, or offense it may be the other persons responsibility, issue or problem. Yet, if a different, albeit similar situation, creates a similar feeling of chaos, hurt or offense occurs two times. Is it my responsibility or the foe?" The finger pointing may go either way.

But, if a similar situation, problem or issue occurs within a similar feeling, experience, or offense occurs at least three times? Well....third times a charm.

Look inside.

In my experience, the same discouraging, disappointing feelings can unravel from a similar repetitive story or scene and become a clue for self-discovery.

It's difficult to look at ourselves, but in cases where a similar situation occurs three times or more, we must. Our change in behavior, or looking at situations, may need to be altered, attended to, changed. It's not always the other person.

Third time can truly be a charm!

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